Mother Nature listened to runners’ pleas from last year when it was LIKE A FULL BLOWN STORM for the annual Cork City Marathon because there was little chance of WET at this years race.The course was was the same as 2010 which had some great views of some who tired of the long stretches without encouraging views of the city. There is something about a winding or changing path that at least makes you feel like you’re making progress, but those long stretches giving you the same view step after step lack poetry in motion.Being out there in the road with so many enthusiastic people cheering for the runners was heart-warming as always and as you run you Is there any greater challenge than the marathon? To run 26.2 grueling miles, a runner must call upon all your resources: strength, commitment and, of course, willpower. Yet despite the difficulty, thousands of people train for and finish cork city marathon each year. In fact, running a marathon has become a common goal for people who set out to accomplish something truly amazing before they die.Just like the dingle marathon i ran it with my UNCLE STEPHEN and again he really is a big inspiration for me and look forward to running dingle again in September with him. so i will leave with this. Life is a journey and the stages you go through. Same with a marathon. Take it one stage at a time. Listen to everyone, but pay attention to those who know what their talking about. Whatever you do in training, do the same thing on race day.


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